WunderBar Laundry Powder

Product Code: 28 oz.

$9.00 inc. tax


We're proud to say that for the past 8 years, we've been able to keep our prices consistent for our customers, never raising them. However, due to the rising cost of materials, our bar soap and laundry detergent pricing will now be increased by $1.00 (starting May 1, 2024). We greatly appreciate your support, and we’ll continue to look for ways to keep costs as low as possible, without sacrificing quality. If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message. We appreciate you so much!

Enjoy all the benefits of Miss Bea's WunderBar in your laundry! Our laundry soap is made of only washing soda, WunderBar soap, sea salt, and baking soda. This powder is highly concentrated, but gentle enough for sensitive skin. Clothes come out bright, soft, and fresh! Dissolves completely even in cold water.

Our 28 oz. package washes up to
72 loads of laundry! *

* Use: 1 Tbsp for small/lightly soiled loads
           2 Tbsp for large/heavily soiled loads
            (Tablespoon is included in package)

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Customer Reviews

1 review(s) posted (write review)
A great product! 5 product stars
"Miss Bea's WunderBar is wonderful! Since I have started using it, I have really noticed a difference in my skin. It's much softer and I don't feel dried out. I've never liked to use harshly scented or antibacterial soaps and it's hard to find other things in most stores... and if you do, you pay a lot for them. This simple and natural product cleanses well, isn't harshly scented, leaves the healthy bacteria skin needs to thrive and it is reasonably priced! I also have been using the laundry soap and really like how little you have to use. It's nice to not use harsher chemicals if it's not necessary. While my daughter was out visiting I had her try the Wunderbar soap as well. She also used some of the laundry soap I had bought and said she liked it too! She took a bar home with her! In addition to all the great product aspects, I'm also happy to support a local small business in the process. I've known a few of the Mercers for a couple years now and it just adds to the good feelings to support fine products made by such fine people. Try a bar today and see for yourself!" Vicki Henyon - Friday, July 15, 2016
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